BIRDSONG is a show hosted by Leonard Birdsong, a former Law Professor, former diplomat and former federal prosecutor who loves to talk to you and others in an effort to both entertain and inform.
The show is a unique blend of humor, opinion, storytelling, and information. Leonard Birdsong will never provide you with fake news but he will always make you laugh out loud at his true news stories about dumb criminals and their shenanigans which he reports on each show. He also has some other, what he calls "news tidbits," that will pop up throughout the show that you may find interesting and sometimes funny. He may drop a few "Yo Mama" jokes that people have sent him over the years, and, occasionally, he provides you his “words of wisdom” concerning life and leadership that you will like.
Leonard also hosts guests, many of whom with which he discusses law-related topics that many people would like to know about such as, what is an arrest, what are your rights under the fourth Amendment, how to buy a franchise business, will the death penalty be abolished in the United States, how to protect yourself against identity theft, and myths about the Constitution of the United States. He also talks to authors with whom he discusses such topics as why some people are so successful and others are not, how to bounce back from setbacks, how to never waste another day in a job you do not like, and other success and happiness topics.
You can email Leonard Birdsong at this address: |